By Reading This Article you Will Get the Following:
- What is Compression Clothing?
- Why You Should Wear Compression Clothing During Workout
- Why You Should Wear Compression Clothing After Workout
What is Compression Clothing?
Compression clothing.. We're sure you've seen it at the gym. You may even own some. But why should you be using compression apparel during your workout? Compression apparel is an effective way to compliment your current exercise routine by increasing blood-flow to your muscles.
Why You Should Wear Compression Clothing During Workout:
Using compression apparel during workouts helps improve athletic performance by reducing fatigue. Studies show that wearing compression shorts helps reduce muscle soreness and fatigue during and after workouts, resulting in more effective and efficient performance without feeling the delayed muscle soreness (DOMS) that so often accompanies our workouts.
Studies also show that compression shorts can help reduce your risk for muscle strains. Furthermore, compression garments can help with muscle strain recovery. If you are prone to muscle strains or want to reduce your risk of getting one, consider adding the right compression apparel to help.
Want more power during and after workouts, and better jumping ability? Compression tights may help improve jumping performance in athletes after endurance events. According to Runner's World, compression gear makes it easier to regain maximum jumping ability post-workout, which is a bonus when you're looking to get back on the track, field, or court after an intense workout.
5. Enhanced Muscle Oxygenation.Your muscles need oxygen to function properly during workouts. Compression garments are designed to increase the amount of oxygen that they receive, according to a publication by Research Gate. Compression are designed to promote blood flow and improve oxygenation of muscle tissue, which can enhance athletic performance during short bouts of exercise.
6. Comfort.Why You Should Wear Compression Clothing After Workout:
1. Improved Muscle Strength Recovery
Even when you're lifting weights (or participating in other forms of strength-training workouts), compression shorts provide you with performance and muscle recovery benefits. A 2014 study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that compression garments promote muscle strength recovery after bouts of resistance training.
2. More Efficient Recovery After Exercise.
Recovering from strenuous exercise can be a lengthy process and muscle soreness is more likely to occur when you're new to intense training sessions. Luckily, compression shorts can aid in muscle recovery after strenuous workouts. Pressure (compression) garments may have greater advantages to improve recovery following a competition or exercise.
We are in full control of our health and wellness. Whether you are an athlete, running a marathon, or a weekend warrior, you've probably experienced some sort of muscle soreness. In order to take the appropriate steps to help compensate for these muscle imbalances and muscle soreness, we must be properly educated on the tools and techniques that can be effectively applied.
Wearing compression apparel can be an effective way to compliment your exercise and active recovery routine. Compression apparel can have a positive impact on your delayed muscle onset soreness (DOMS).
Compression apparel can help with muscle performance, injury prevention, and active recovery. Not everyone has access to a trainer or massage therapist 24/7. Knowing how to properly use tools like compression apparel can help save you time and money. If you've tried or currently use compression apparel, we'd love to hear your results!
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