Do Compression Boots Actually Work?

Do Compression Boots Actually Work?

Compression Boots - Infinity Boots by Kingsfield

Are you wondering if pneumatic air compression therapy is for you? If you want to be an elite athlete, weekend warrior, or improve the quality of your life, you must make your fitness and active recovery a priority. These days, you can find air compression boots like KingsfieldNormatec, & Rapid Reboot, as leading providers of compression therapy systems. Studies have shown that compression can help increase blood flow and circulation, thus accelerating recovery time. By reading this article you will get the following:

  • 1. The Importance of Compression Therapy
  • 2. Compression Therapy Study
  • 3. Proper Compression Routine
  • 4. Top Active Recovery Tools
  • 5. More Tips on Performance Improvement


"Circulation is the essence of good health" -Harvey Diamond, Author of Fit for Life

It goes without saying that proper circulation is crucial to good health. Whether you are an elite athlete, a weekend warrior, or sitting behind a desk from 9-5, you should monitor how much circulation you are getting. For most, we are not getting enough. Humans are not made to sit behind a desk all day or be stagnant. We are made to MOVE. Compression Therapy Boots can help increase circulation to hard to reach areas, offering a natural solution to an everyday problem that many people face.

By using Sequential Pneumatic Compression Therapy, compression therapy systems like the Kingsfield Infinity Boots allow the user to move blood from the feet, all the way up into the quads, & ultimately into the lymphatic system. This regeneration of blood into the lymphatic system helps reduce recovery time from DOMS and lower overall muscular fatigue. 



Even if the only benefit that you get from using Compression Boots is a 20 minute relaxation and massage, that is probably good enough. Luckily, there is empirical data to support the benefit of Pneumatic Compression Boots like the Kingsfield Compression Boots.

A 2018 study in the Journal of Applied Physiology, determined that intermittent compression applied during recovery from exercise resulted in increased limb blood flow, potentially contributing to changes in exercise performance and recovery. 

These Compression Boots can also reduce swelling. You may not notice it, but whenever you put stress on your body, you experience micro tears. Increasing blood-flow to these muscle groups can help repair those micro tears and get you back to feeling your best. 


The more stress you put on the body, the more maintenance it requires. This is where having access to tools like Compression Boots can help you achieve a quicker and more effective recovery. You can use these boots after a challenging workout, post-run, or anytime you put excessive stress on your body. You can also use daily for macitence and preventative measures. 

While you will see most of the benefit from using after a workout, you can also use before to help assist with a warmup routine. Try them out and find what is best for your routine. 


Note: For maximum safety, it is recommended to start at the lowest compression setting and work your way up. 


    The quicker you can recover, the more of an advantage you will have over your competition. Additionally, shorter recovery time is correlated with injury prevention. Staying injury-free can help prolong your athletic career and provide you opportunities that you could not get elsewhere.

    Compression Boots are often necessary for elite athletes & a luxury item for others. However, considering all the benefits, these should be considered an investment in your health.

    There a few compression boots on the market. At Kingsfield, we combined performance with elegance to create 2 versions of compression boots. Our original Compression Boots & our new Infinity Boots. Both are backed by the Kingsfield Quality Guarantee & we encourage everyone to get a pair to help them feel their best! 


    Diet for athletes

    First off, diet and nutrition are the single most important components of personal wellness. Having a proper focus in this area will lead to better overall health. In general, eating natural food is the best. There is so much processed food in our society that can be detrimental to athletic performance and long term health. Focus on eating real food that comes from the Earth.

    As a competitive athlete, you must focus on getting adequate nutrients every single day. A good way to do this is to calculate your caloric intake. If you are trying to lose weight, you should operate at a caloric deficit, meaning you eat fewer calories than you burn. But it is important that this number is not drastically less than the calories that you are burning, as this is not sustainable.

    The average person should consume 2,000 calories a day. The average athlete needs 3,000-5,000 calories per day, depending on the activities performed. Find out where you fit and create a plan that works for you.


    Did you know that weight lifting is a man-made phenomenon? Almost all muscle groups can be strengthened using bands instead of heavyweights.

    Resistance bands allow for a deep fluid, range of motion during exercise. You can get the same results as using heavy weights without the risks of injury. Resistance bands help build strength and power while keeping your muscles longer and making them less dense than they would be during conventional heavy weight training. Resistance bands can also help limit inflammation which is terrible for any athlete's body.

    They allow for aerobic conditioning while complementing increased mobility. By mimicking the body's natural, everyday movements without overload, bands allow for a more balanced approach to strength training. Together with mobility, resistance allows for a more sustainable fitness routine and can extend your career by limiting injury from overload.


    Next, let's discuss the importance of sleep.

    Sleep plays an important role in physical wellness. As an athlete, it is particularly important for muscle recovery. When exercising heavily, muscles get tight. A proper rest results in muscles being restored to their natural lengthened state. Athletes over the age of 18 should aim for a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. The athlete should aim for 9-10 hours of sleep to fully recover and be able to perform at a high level on days where the athlete is put under more heavy stress.

    Sleep for improved performance

    Imagine the difference when you look behind the counter in a butcher shop. You see a beautiful piece of tenderloin. Right next to it you see a dried up piece of beef jerky. The tenderloin is healthy and supple, while the jerky is shriveled and dried out. That beef jerky is what dehydrated muscles look like. 


    Dehydration is a chronic problem, and it is more common than people realize. Most athletes don’t realize that they’re sweating out anywhere between eight to ten cups of water a day. That needs to be replenished. Coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda are all dehydrating.


    Here is where self-awareness comes into play. Everyone is made differently. Therefore, each of us may be deficient in different nutrient categories. When it comes to supplementation, it is important to supplement only what you cannot get naturally. For starters, it is recommended to take a daily multivitamin and fish-oil supplement. Additionally, find out what areas you are deficient in and add those supplements as needed.

    Bottom Line:

    If you want to be an elite athlete or live a quality life, you have to start investing in longevity! Compression Therapy has been proven to help increase circulation and accelerate recovery time. Apply these principles and suggestions to your routine to watch yourself jump ahead of the competition. You only get one body, invest in it.

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